5 Things The Corporate World Taught Me

When I graduated college I was going thru a bit of an identity crisis, feeling neither Colombian nor American. It was then that I realized a much-needed time at home was in order. I rejected some work offers in the states, packed my bags and left for Colombia. When I arrived I had a cultural shock, but nonetheless I managed to handle it by dividing my time between getting with girls, strenuous workouts, horse back riding and catching up with the family business.

Once settled home, my father offered me an executive position that I quickly filled and where I have worked for the last year. My father was as eager to teach me, as I was to learn, thus, I soaked up as much knowledge as I could from a man who built a leading company from scratch.

During this time I have learned invaluable lessons that will last for the rest of my life. I am still a young man with lots of things to learn, places to visit and girls to sleep with. I want to share what I have learned so far…

1. Respect is earned, not demanded.

Holding an executive position has levels of respect and even reverence that are intrinsic to it. I am often looked after and praised. But much like in the military you salute the rank and not the man. In the corporate world often time it is very much like this—people care about the position you hold instead of you.

This is particularly evident in the lower ranks of a company. They will salute you and call you sir, but when you give them your back they will mumble about how you are a lucky son of a bitch and how things were just handed to you. This is why it’s far more important to earn the respect of your subordinates than to just demand it by way of your position.

I work in a mining company, where evidently there is a lot of physically demanding jobs. Being able to take your shirt off and get down to the level of an ordinary miner, helping hand to hand and not being scared of getting your hands dirty is a certain way to earn respect.

2. You are only valuable for what you can provide.

Even though this is my family’s company, I would be sacked faster than I could say sorry if I made gross mistakes that constituted a loss for the company and its interests. I am only valuable as long as I can produce something, as long as I can bring something else to the table. The more rare what you provide is, the more valuable you are. This is applicable for many other fields in life, personal relations, friendships and yes, girls.

Here at ROK we have covered this issue extensively. Girls only value you for what you can provide. If you can give them a strong figure that can be solid and stable support in her life she will truly respect you. Moreover, if you can do things that she is unable to do she will be in a situation of dependency, and we all know how much feminists hate this.

A company is very similar, my subordinates respect me because I posses abilities that they do not, do the things that they can in less time and can perform under pressure in a way that many of them cannot.


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3. It takes an alpha to lead.

Being a strong leader is perhaps one of the most important characteristics you can have in the corporate world. This is why star CEO’s get paid so much—it’s a very hard trait to find. A true alpha can be distinguished without effort. He is immediately recognized as a leader, looked up to and looked after. The genuine alpha exudes an unmistakable confidence that transmits calm and comfort to others.

To do this in convincing fashion you will need to know your value. Knowing your value will definitely help you have and express true confidence. I don’t think I need to cover the effects this will have in your daily life, your social interactions, and in your ability to impress and get girls.

4. You need game in the corporate world.

Whether you are trying to seduce a client, get better prices on tools, or a better interest rate for short-term money, you will need game. Same goes for that job interview for the job you want, or in some cases for the one you need. Confidence is a powerful tool that can open many doors, and many legs. Unsurprisingly, people in positions of power often have a great deal of confidence; this means that they can easily recognize when confidence is genuine and when it is posed. This same advice applies to girls; you are far better off being genuinely confident, thus projecting a natural vibe of superiority that no faking can attain.

5. At some point you are going to need to work very hard.

Although having an executive position is a fantastic way to earn a living, (and way better than being so corporate slave trapped in a cubicle all day, 6 days a week, 4 weeks a month), it is hard work.

I am not saying it’s easier than being a miner, but when you are working a mine your only preoccupation is to break out the mineral, nothing else. In contrast an executive’s normal day will involve over 200 emails, more than 100 calls and multiple unexpected issues that need immediate solving. These are all factors that add up to your stress threshold and that can make you miserable if you don’t know how to handle it. It’s hard work, and like everything else in life you need to get it done.

It’s the same if you are trying to get in tip-top physical shape, earn a degree, or pick up a girl at a bar. You will need to work out hard and diet properly, study hard, and drop serious game. Everything worthwhile in life takes hard work, and no one else is going to get it done for you because no one cares. You are the only controlling factor of your own life and the only one capable of taking charge of it.

This is what I’ve learned from corporate life thus far, things that have shaped who I am and who I will become in the future. I hope this is useful to you and that it makes you a better man.

Read Next: 8 Essential Rules To Surviving The Workplace


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