The BuzzFeed network, owned by Kenneth Lerer and Jonah Peretti and home of the lowest testosterone levels on the Internet, now focuses on segments trying to normalise the lives of the deranged male and female prostitutes selling themselves on camera.
They recently took a step further by uploading videos where they advertise the clothing line of video procurer and greasy peddler Greg Lansky, while portraying the “porn lifestyle” as normal and fun for their young audience.
Degrading Perversion Is Now Hailed As Cool
Buzzfeed has endorsed Lansky, a particularly deviant character I have written about in the past, as “mainstream” by flaunting his brain-dead circus animals and his cuckoldry-celebrating jewelry and underwear brand on their sites.
The specimens portrayed are described as “adult performers” when the terminology should be “video prostitutes,” but BuzzFeed has to appeal to its audience: soyboys who fantasise about other men banging their love interests.
The women that are celebrated for following this self-destructive path of pseudo-fame, STDs, and narcotic-fuelled binges have collected several hundreds—if not thousands—of sexual partners. Their mental issues come out clearly after only a few seconds of hearing them talk.
Pushing Filth To Sabotage The Sexual Marketplace
The useful idiot (in the purest subversive, cultural Marxist sense of the term) that is the pornographic “actor” accepts money in order to perform sexual tricks on camera, like a circus dog. And instead of being rightfully denounced, the MSM actively tries to normalise them, even allowing them to reach a relative status of fame. These types of parasitic people can only thrive in a gangrenous society.
The long-term goal of pornography is total addiction, the normalisation of marginal sexual practices, and the total disruption of healthy human sexuality. It is a psychological weapon, hence why it is free and has became so widespread.
These women are paraded for a little while and will be replaced once they age, but the rights to exploit their holes online will go on forever and will still be profitable long after they are dead. When they are confronted with these facts, male and female pornographers only follow one line of defense, very feminine in nature: they argue with holes.
A Worrying New Low, Even From BuzzFeed
This propaganda arm of cultural Marxism is now consolidating its position as Cuck Central, a pact signed with the degeneracy of pornography. A channel specifically designed for a large audience of younger viewers with a short attention span. These videos will be seen by tens of thousands of children, who will be brainwashed into seeing pornography as trendy and harmless.
But there is some good news nonetheless. This morbid fashion, just like CuckFeed itself, is bound to die, for their business model of shocking, overtly-partisan fake news and absence of substance simply does not sell. Those videos will also stop at some point, not because they will change their agenda, but they will soon run out of useful idiots to film, considering the fact that video prostitutes tend to end their lives rather frequently.
Buzzfeed is Gawker on life support. But even a wounded parasitic beast can still cause harm.

These premature deaths are only the tip of the iceberg.
Truth Eventually Triumphs
Unfortunately, the main flaw of Buzzfeed is their will to churn out as much degenerate material as possible in a short amount of time without being able to filter it all, involuntarily revealing the truth. The tidal wave caused by the “soy boy” meme is a vivid example.
With this particular push to portray pornographers and prostitutes being normal and well-adjusted people, this video “13 Confessions From People In Porn” in particular shows that the pornographic cattle is not as happy as they advertise. Here are some transcripts:
- “No one that knows me would ever guess I get paid to do amateur porn. They all think I’m so proper and ladylike.”
- “I’m glad I don’t work in porn anymore. I’m so disgusted with myself and I don’t ever want to be reminded of what I have done.”
- I have no idea what to tell my family when they ask me what my career is. I’m a porn star and there’s no way I can open about it.”
- “I am a porn star. I hate my life and that sex isn’t special to me anymore. The industry ruined me and my life.”
- “Being a porn “star” is interesting. I have hundreds of guys professing their love every day. I’m pretty sure if they really knew me, they wouldn’t say it.”
- “I’m a porn star, but I don’t know how to tell my new girlfriend. I’m afraid I might scare her away.”
- “I distanced myself from all my family and friends because I’m too embarrassed to tell them that I’m a porn star.”
These inflatable clowns are some of the most insecure and deranged people on the planet. Slaves shipped from one dirty couch to another, drowning in a world of self-abuse, petty rivalry, rampant drug abuse, and STIs. When it is not a drug overdose or AIDS, the main cause of death for those individuals is suicide due to”online bullying,” a code word for “people call me out and speak the truths I don’t want to hear and my ego is too fragile to cope.”
Those women are replaceable fleshlights that a certain type of pornographer trade between themselves like baseball cards, before discarding them once they are not bankable anymore due to excessive wear or age.

All cold. Guess the worms are the only ones having a gangbang now…
La Pornographie, Furoncle D’une Société Malade
We live in strange times. The fact that MSM outlets like CNN do positive articles about cuckolding (a practice that existed in the past but was always considered shameful before a joint effort of porn peddlers and progressive elites pushed it to become mainstream) shows it.
What are the wages of porn? A few thousand dollars, quickly spent on drugs and designer bags, for a lifetime of jeers, ostracism, shame brought on your family. and hearing the Ankou’s cart park outside earlier than expected. But it’s okay, because betas are masturbating and praising you even if the maggots have long since eaten your corpse.
Do not listen or believe any word that comes from liberals about pornography. Do not take porn for anything other than it is: a cult of self-destruction and a tool to control the masses.
Read More: Male Writers From Buzzfeed Have Catastrophically Low Testosterone Levels
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