Is Marcos evil for conning women looking to trade sex for financial security?

Several months back I wrote a post titled Next Phase of the Hypergamous Arms Race: Revenge of the Nerds? In the post I asked the question if today’s round of carousel riders weren’t taking a great risk in their plan to con some unsuspecting beta into marrying and supporting them once they tired of the carousel.  I pointed out that in their attempt to con a beta, they ran the risk of having the beta turn the tables on them.

Marcos commented on the thread and said he in fact does exactly what I was pondering:

No matter what lake you find them in, the bait is the same. When they ask you (Trust me – they will! Several times) why you’re 34, 35 whatever years old and never married you just take a moment and say, “Candidly? I haven’t found the right girl. I’m a traditional man and was raised to believe the man takes care of all the bills and financial responsibility. You know, where the woman doesn’t mind taking care of the home. I don’t mind that a woman has a job/career or whatever…In fact that’s great! But I don’t want her to feel that she has to work. That’s my job. Also, I’ve been working all these years to get to a position financially to where I can afford the lifestyle my kids deserve and now I’m ready to focus on the right girl and settle down. You’d be surprised how hard it is to find a woman who wants to have kids and settle down these days.” Say this very relaxed, matter-of-factly tone and it will work. Especially if she’s over 32. Result: deer in headlights. And they buy it. Wanna know why?

Because what I say above taps into the psyche of all carouseler women:
1) These women really don’t want to work for a living – they just want something to occupy their time.
2) These women want a man to take care of all their financial needs/wants without them ever having to care about pricetags.
3) Of course, her biological clock is at the 11th hour and 59th minute.
4) The last reason she’ll buy it: hope.

So in a nutshell, what Marcos is doing is looking for women looking to use sex to lure a man into marrying her and supporting her financially.  He says some of these women are what we would call carousel riders, some are women who made their career their priority, and most are A la carte feminists (brilliant term!).

On that and other posts we’ve had many explanations for why a woman might find herself in her mid 30s and suddenly looking for a husband.  J explained on the youtube post that many of them are former nuns:

I personally know half a dozen 30+ brides who once were nuns.

I’m not sure that former nuns make up a significant portion of women in this demographic.  But lets assume for sake of argument Marcos is focusing on former nuns.  This would make him evil, right?  How dare he prey on innocent former nuns!

However, if they are trying to trade sex for financial security, how innocent can they be?  I think this is the fundamental question.  Marcos’ con won’t work on any woman not looking to trade sex (outside of marriage) for financial security. The old saw you can’t con an honest man comes to mind.  If the nuns in question are chaste, Marcos isn’t going to waste any time on them.  He didn’t say he is marrying them or even getting engaged.  He’s dating them and sending signals that he would be a great man to try to get into a binding agreement to support her and any future children.  If the woman isn’t looking to have him support her, she won’t be attracted by his “bait”.  Moreover, if she isn’t willing to provide plenty of easy sex to lure him into a trap of her own, he isn’t going to waste his time with her.


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