Lowering the boom, a testimonial.

Previously I shared Joel and Kathy Davisson’s message that a wife who is unhappy has an obligation to God to lower the boom and crush her husband with the family court.  Today I thought I would share a testimonial they published from one of the women who followed their advice:

Things are GREAT and things are really hard at the same time. The great things are that the boys are both doing so much better emotionally than they were five months ago. HalleluYAH!

My son seems much more relaxed and happy now. He hasn’t been in tears (except occasionally over his dad and the divorce) and saying how much he hates life and wants to die for months!!!! No more poetry about cutting himself either! No more dark and morbid pictures and his bitterness and cynicism has declined a lot as well. My other son’s behavior has started to even out as well, with fewer and fewer meltdowns. He isn’t punching himself in the face anymore and saying what a bad boy he is either. However, he is still very clingy towards me and refuses to sleep in his own bed. I have tried to move him after he is asleep out of my bed and into his own but after a few nights he wakes up immediately and starts to cry. I have also discovered that he is sleep walking at night too. I wake up immediately, since he sleeps with me, and coax him back to bed where he cuddles up and goes back to sleep. So far this has not been a major problem.

Note:  Unfortunately this isn’t satire, and children were harmed in the lowering of this boom.

See Also: 


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