Several generations ago, your great grandparents likely worked on a farm or in a dimly-lit urban factory after dropping out of school. They toiled doing menial labor for hours on end, kept a home together, and sometimes learned to read if they were particularly lucky. At or before age 18, they married the child of a close family friend, or perhaps even a cousin. They had kids immediately and continued working until they died in their sleep, never having left their home town.
Two generations ago, people began to go to college en masse. They read a few classic books and got a nice degree that ensured them a middle-class job. They would marry someone they met at their job, go on a few nice vacations, and have unremarkable kids. They would live modestly off their pensions until dying of a heart attack at age 68.
More recently, “Generation X”ers were pushed into taking on debt to pay for increasingly worthless college degrees. They could tell that something seemed vaguely wrong with Reagan-era consumerism, but were poorly equipped to deal with the changing economic, global, and social climate.
This generation lives in an age where information travels exponentially faster than any other period in human history. With a few keystrokes, you can call up exhaustive information on any subject and, if you know where to look, best practices for a fulfilling and healthy life. I fear that many within and outside of the manosphere overlook this monumental gift of our time. Without this knowledge-transfer, I would have never known things such as:
- That All Girls LIke Rough Sex
- Not to worry about monogamy
- Not to make waves at work
- How to spot a false rape accusation
My colleague Western Cancer recently posted on the paralysis by analysis that comes with technology’s increasing prevalence in our lives. Perhaps he is right to an extent — too much of a good thing can arrest progress and may fail to make us happier on a day to day basis, as he laid out. But I contend that when managed properly, it allows us to make better decisions that can lead to long-term well-being.
Any question that you can imagine about game, lifestyle, fitness, nutrition, money, entrepreneurship, or wisdom has been asked and answered scores of times by men like you, many of whom have made mistakes that you can learn from. The collected wisdom of millions is available to you if you know where to look.
Despite the increasing prevalence of keyboard jockeys, the signal to noise ratio is still high enough in this corner of the internet for you to learn by asking the right questions. No one in the history of humanity has had these opportunities on a daily basis. Simply by being alive in this generation, you’ve been given a tremendous gift of information and, if you learn how to synthesize it, knowledge. How will you use it to improve your life?
Read More: Everything Is Amazing Right Now And Nobody’s Happy
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