5 Things Pornography Shows Us About Today’s Sexual Landscape

5 Things Pornography Shows Us About Today’s Sexual Landscape

Pornography can be a polarizing topic in the ‘sphere. Some schools of thought tell you it’s probably not good for you and that you should watch it rarely if at all, while others have pointed out it might not be as detrimental to your game as one might think.

Personally, I use porn mainly to edge (I don’t allow myself to orgasm), so I would probably fall into the second camp. However, since becoming unplugged from the matrix I’ve noticed some pretty telling parallels between glorified prostitution on camera and real life. A lot of people believe that what happens in these flicks is “not real” or “a fantasy” but I strongly disagree. When viewed through the lens of neomasculinity, the similarities are obvious.

1. All women want to be sexually dominated

There are plenty of scenes where the actor and actress are “making sweet love” with all sorts of kissing and affectionate touching. Whether or not the actress is actually enjoying it is anybody’s guess because she’s paid to sell the scene. But when she’s getting her hair pulled, ass smacked, and in some cases choked, she ain’t fakin’ those moans. Physical domination at the hands of a male is what they want and it shows.

Girls in the real world are exactly the same way. They all want to be ravaged in the worst way and there are no exceptions. I speak from personal experience. If not for whacking it to porn during my sexless twenties, I might never know that girls really get off on being thrown around and manhandled in the sack.

2. The same few male actors are banging all the top girls

5 Things Pornography Shows Us About Today’s Sexual Landscape

There are probably 30 or 35 female porn stars who are “household” names. They’re the most searched, viewed, in demand or whatever metric gauges their popularity.

Ever notice these chicks are getting banged by the same 5 or 6 dudes? You can check out clips of all of your favorite female actresses and if you’re paying attention, you’ll notice that the same few male actors are in just about every scene with the top girls.

In the world of pornography, a man’s penis size, stamina, and aesthetic fitness is equivalent to a man’s game level on the real life hookup scene. The men that look the best, have the biggest appendages, and last the longest in skin flicks are the most in demand by the directors.

The vast majority of men in this part of the world don’t have what it takes to bed the hottest females on a regular basis. Fortunately, most of what is required snag high value females is under our control. Lift, stack cash, and learn game and you’ll have the same ratio advantages male porn stars do.

3. Fat girls are not attractive

5 Things Pornography Shows Us About Today’s Sexual Landscape

Totally bangable

Speaking of the top adult film actresses, none of them are fat. Sure, there may be one or two sprinkled in that carry a little more weight but they are a far cry from the whales that Western culture tries to shove down our throats as “gorgeous.”

The bottom line here is that attraction cannot be negotiated or mitigated and pornography mirrors this ironclad biological doctrine. No matter what they tell us, men with options aren’t going to sleep with fat girls just like high value females aren’t dropping their panties for fat dudes with neck beards who live with their mothers.

Women reading this would be quick to disingenuously point out the presence of porn that features fat or obese women. But I don’t have to be an expert in website analytics to know that the overwhelming majority of traffic is headed to the actresses who pass just about every boner test with flying colors.

4. Sex is more emotional for women

5 Things Pornography Shows Us About Today’s Sexual Landscape

It’s probably an understatement that adult film actresses have exorbitant notch counts—and that’s not counting what happens off screen. Add to that the fact that they have much more sex as a matter of occupational obligation, and that most of that sex is with the top 1% of penises in terms of size, it’s safe to say that sex isn’t as exciting to them as it was when they first started in the business.

Be that as it may but they’re still women. And no matter how much sex a woman has had in her life, it is always an emotional experience. Obviously the emotional level varies from female to female. But every girl from virgins to sluts are emotionally invested in intercourse whether they like it, know it, or not.

Proof of this in porn is constantly on display. The actresses almost always initiate kissing, affectionate touching, and other actions that establish some sort of connection with the actor. They also make and keep eye contact during the scenes which is a tell tale sign they’re feeling something other than lust.

Any man with red pill game has, no doubt, experienced one or more chicks on his roster making a play to become exclusive. In most FWB situations, it’s the female who desires exclusivity first because the sex is emotional for her. She can say that it isn’t, but her biology always wins out in the end as females can only pair bond with one male at a time regardless of how many she’s sleeping with at one time.

5. The wall can be delayed

5 Things Pornography Shows Us About Today’s Sexual Landscape

This actress is 42 years old

The vast majority of females “stop trying” after they’ve locked down a beta provider. They gain weight, stop trying to look (and sometimes act) feminine, and just let themselves go altogether…

…until they divorce rape their husbands and are back on the dating scene. At that point they have the motivation to get into shape and act like a lady. But years of poor food choices (and sometimes smoking and drinking) has pushed them past the point of no return and no amount of diet and exercise is going to reverse the effects of the wall.

Female porn stars, particularly the ones who fall in the “MILF” category are living proof that the wall can be delayed for quite a while. While not all actresses in this category don’t show signs of aging, a good number of them have tight sexy bodies.

5 Things Pornography Shows Us About Today’s Sexual Landscape

A 48 year old “MILF” trumps a 20 year old fattie any day

These women know that if they let themselves go, they’ll quickly be replaced and the checks will stop coming. That’s motivation enough for them to stay looking good. Their bodies are their livelihoods so they do what’s necessary to stay employed.

A good friend of mine in SoCal works as a lab assistant (the guy who tests the actors and actresses for STDs, STIs, VDs etc.) in the porn industry. He used to tell us about the great and sometimes extreme lengths older actresses go to in order to stay attractive by industry standards.

One thing he said a while back that stuck out to me was that aging actresses who take shortcuts to stay attractive such as plastic surgery and botox don’t last nearly as long as actresses who didn’t cut corners. Female porn stars who watch their diets, live in the gym, and avoid smoking and drinking tend to last much longer than those who do not.

According to him, the actresses who last the longest go a few steps further by juicing, having a personal chef prepare all of their meals according to their specific dietary needs, and Human Growth Hormone therapy.

5 Things Pornography Shows Us About Today’s Sexual Landscape

There are no shortcuts

What older female adult film stars show us is that if women outside of this line of work put their minds to it, they can delay the effects of the wall for quite a while. The motivating factor for both groups is the same: male desire. With hard work, discipline, and consistency, any woman, porn star or not, can be sexually attractive into her 40s.


As far as I’m concerned, any man who denies the similarities between pornography and the current sexual marketplace is either not paying attention or stuck in his own ignorant blue pill bliss.

Understand this gents: female sexuality is always for sale. Be it marriage, relationships, prostitution, or pornography, every woman’s vagina has a price and X-rated movies are the personification of this axiom on both a physical and psychological level.

So the next time you fire up the ol’ laptop for some chicken chokin’ fun, try to pay a little more attention to what’s really going on. If your neomasculine development is even in its infancy, the red pill truths will be as clear as day.

5 Things Pornography Shows Us About Today’s Sexual LandscapeIf you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh's book Free Speech Isn't Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read Next: 5 Ways Porn Might Not Be Bad For Your Game


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