Several commenters have expressed disbelief at my prediction that we will see a (generally low key) movement to curtail the worst abuses of the family court. Honestly this isn’t a bold prediction on my part. I’m only predicting more of what we are already seeing. Dr. Helen has linked to a soon to be released movie about corruption in the family courts titled Divorce Corp.
Not surprisingly the trailers of the film include comments from Glenn Sacks. More noteworthy however is the narrator of the film, Dr. Drew Pinsky of “Dr. Drew” sex advice fame. From the main trailer, the general perspective of the film is that the family courts are corrupt and inefficient in the way they are breaking up families. We pay the courts good money to destroy families, and they are making a mess of this noble work.
However, the movie does touch on the problem of false abuse claims:
They also have trailers covering the abuses of child support and lifetime alimony. Here is the one for child support:
Here is the one for lifetime alimony:
As I’ve explained before, this kind of push to roll back the worst abuses of the family court is not at all surprising but shouldn’t be misunderstood for a genuine movement to fundamentally change our family structure back towards one of traditional marriage or even anything resembling equal treatment of men and women. While different participants will have different perspectives and motivations, overall this is about mending it, not ending it. The elites have no desire to end the no fault divorce/child support gravy train, they just want to streamline the process some and remove some of the most indefensible abuses. However, while the intent is to create support for a tune up and not a true overhaul, there is always the risk that by highlighting the incredibly evil and corrupt system that men will start to refuse to marry. Also, when the liberal elites acknowledge the incredible corruption in the system they are cutting conservative groups like Focus On the Family off at the knees. When even Dr. Drew is outraged about the family courts, Christian organizations eagerly reminding women to be sure to collect their 30 pieces of silver when destroying their families are suddenly in an embarrassing position.
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