At least the kid can count on his dog.

I saw this on Drudge a little over a week ago Family dog kept watch over missing 2-year-old overnight:

A missing 2-year-old boy in Elgin was found Saturday morning after Kershaw County deputies say the family dog kept him warm and safe all night.

Pretty cool dog. It was cold out that night, too, with temperatures in the 40s.  They don’t say it in the copy, but you can see from the video that the area is very rural.  It looks like the kid was in a wooded area.  Also one of the commenters on the story claims to live in the area and says the boy was farther from home than the story suggested.  Hard to know if it is true, but it has a ring of truth to me:

The child wasn’t “across the street”… I know this because he was found on my street, and he was actually found about 1/4 of a mile down from his own house…

But how did this happen?

Matthews said the boy’s mother, 25-year-old Jacklyn Marie Jacobson, and her boyfriend Jose Gloria told investigators Tyler went to get some juice and didn’t come back.

Hey kid, pick me up some smokes while you are out!

I know Captain Capitalism will be shocked to learn the father was not part of the household:

…the boy’s biological father is in the Army and stationed in Hawaii, and is currently on his way back to Kershaw County.

When reviewing the story for this post, I found a new one:  Missing Elgin toddler seen wandering neighborhood again

The mother of an Elgin toddler that went missing a week ago and her boyfriend were arrested and charged with unlawful conduct toward a child Sunday morning.


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