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Athlone McGinnis
How I Dealt With A False Rape Accusation
If you’ve been paying the news any attention at all lately, you’ve likely become familiar with the recent rape allegations that arose at the University of Virginia. The basis of… read more
The Next Fifty Years Of Race And Culture In America
Humanity has come a long way in a very short time. When one takes a moment to consider just how much has changed in our world within the last 50… read more
Why Are Educated Women More Likely To Be Single?
There has been much discussion online with regard to the educated woman and her relative lack of romantic success. Much of this dialogue has been intended to explain this state… read more
Why The American Economy Needs The Beta Male
Our understanding of the beta male’s status as an underappreciated, and downright derided figure in modern American society is reasonably well developed, but what is his true utility? While an… read more
How Hypocrisy Prevents True Gender Equality
The concept of “gender equality” is quite well regarded in our society today. The idea that men and women are fundamentally equal in capability and, therefore, deserving of equal treatment… read more
How Social Justice Warriors Miss The Mark
There is a place for social activism in any society. Problems naturally occur in any civilization and not all of them are given the attention they deserve; those who point… read more
How To Build A Dynasty
Dynasties have long captivated the American imagination. From Roosevelts to Bushes and Romneys, Americans have never let their anti-monarchial roots prevent them from expressing their fascination with families whose intergenerational… read more
Not Every Man Can Handle A Beautiful Woman
Most men, when questioned, would welcome the opportunity to date and marry an extremely beautiful woman. In fact, most men dream of precisely such a scenario – this is why… read more
4 Reasons Why Americans Will Never Fully Embrace Soccer
The World Cup continues, but the USA’s run in the tournament is over. After escaping the group stages with a thrilling win over Ghana and a heartbreaking draw with Porugal… read more
Why Black America Must Be Careful
There is a serious crisis stalking America’s black community right now, one that gets relatively little attention. That crisis is one of credibility. This reality has been highlighted by, among… read more
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