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Athlone McGinnis
The Limits Of American Feminism
There is much fear within the manosphere regarding the potential for the spread of American style feminism to other parts of the world. Many have voiced concerns that soon there… read more
The Synergy Of Game And Money
In my last post, I wrote of a juxtaposition between game and money and how realistic nuance prevents the crowning of either one as an undisputed winner when it comes… read more
Money Over Bitches?
Much debate has been held within the manosphere (particularly over at Rooshâs forum) regarding the eternal battle between money and game. Men have taken sides and fought doggedly over the… read more
Why Demographics Matter For The Younger Man
Younger men face two simple biological realities: 1. Older men are generally more desirable to women than their younger selves. Women prefer men above their age range. 2. Younger women… read more
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