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Athlone McGinnis
The Hypocritical Discrimination Of Relationships Between Young Women And Mature Men
Recently, BuzzFeed writer Andrew Kaczynski commented about an interesting trend he observed with regard to data from the dating website OKCupid: These two charts from OkCupid founder @christianrudder‘s new book… read more
Why Russell Wilson Is On The Right Track
Russell Wilson is a Super Bowl winning quarterback known for his athleticism, arm talent and posie under pressure. Despite his excellent on-field attributes, however, some of the most recent headlines… read more
Why All That Glitters Is Not Gold
I’ve discussed male thirst before and explained why thirsty men are a problem. Today I wish to examine how such thirst can distort male perspective on the reality of maintaining… read more
Why Abortion Shouldn’t Be Taken Lightly
A woman in New Jersey recently made headlines with her recent abortion or, more specifically, her desire to put it on film: Emily Letts, a counselor at a New Jersey… read more
What Is The White Man’s Burden?
If you have taken the red pill and spent enough time following the dialogue in mainstream media, you may have noticed the existence of a particular double standard with regard… read more
Why Michael Sam Will Get What He Deserves
On May 10, 2014, Michael Sam became the 249th overall selection in the 2014 NFL Draft. By choosing him with their final selection (a 7th round pick), the St. Louis… read more
Why You Should Broaden Your Romantic Options
A German political party has recently found itself in the media spotlight as a result of a pornographic affiliation. The source of that affiliation is Ina Groll (aka “Kitty Blair”),… read more
Why Declining Fertility Rates Are Not A Good Thing
Fertility decline has been an ongoing trend in the western world. This fact has delighted many westerners, as a recent NYTimes OP-Ed helps to illustrate. In the article entitled “Bye… read more
Why You Must Not Place Women On A Pedestal
I’ve written extensive on the necessity of game in the past. Recently, I came across an old comment on Dalrock’s blog that shed further light on the pitfalls of pedestalization… read more
Why Do Black Women Love Scandal?
ABC’s “Scandal” is a political drama about a woman named Olivia Pope who, having graduated from Princeton and Georgetown Law before serving as the White House Communications Director, now makes… read more
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