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Athlone McGinnis
Why You Should Contain Your Envy
Humans are envious by nature, and there is a strong tendency in our society to take advantage of this reality for the sake of financial gain. Your typical American citizen… read more
Why The Manosphere Doesn’t Need Anti-Semitism
Parts of the manosphere have long been preoccupied with questions about the role that Jews play in modern society. “Why are so many of the most prominent feminists Jewish?” “Why… read more
Why Chivalry Is Dead
It is often said that chivalry is dead, but why is that so and who is mourning? A recent article lamenting the rarity of the gentleman within the millennial male… read more
What House Of Cards Tells Us About Money And Power
There aren’t a lot of shows on television today that have won more popular and critical acclaim than Netflix’s “House of Cards”. Available to all Netflix subscribers, the political drama… read more
Why Is Juan Pablo The Worst Bachelor Ever?
When it comes to reality television, few franchises are better known to Americans than “The Bachelor”. Essentially a dating game show of sorts, The Bachelor centers around one dude (“the… read more
Why Manchester United Footballer Adnan Januzaj Is On The Right Track
If you’ve been reading ROK for a while, you may be familiar with my advocacy for the necessity of the redpill for young men. I’ve insisted that game is necessary… read more
Is This Pornstar A True Friend Of Feminism?
Duke University has been the center of much controvery in recent years. We’ve all heard about the infamous lacrosse case. Then, of course, there was the “Duke Fuck List” thesis… read more
Why Young Men Need The Red Pill
The pitfalls of failing to take the red pill have been discussed extensively here at ROK. Today I seek to offer yet another example of what can happen to men… read more
How Feminists Shame Beautiful Women
Unless you’ve been living under a rock recently, you’ll have heard something about a sporting competition going on in Russia this winter. These 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi have had… read more
How To Approach Black Women As A White Male
Having already discussed the means through which black males can increase their chances of dating non-black women, I thought I would also touch on the subject of white males approaching… read more
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