Posts by

Athlone McGinnis
How Feminists Attack The Traditional Woman
It is not uncommon to hear feminists boil their ideology down to the desire to facilitate choice for women, and allow them to select one or more of many paths… read more
How Black American Men Can Broaden Their Romantic Options
The subject of black dating doesn’t come up all that often in the manosphere. Roosh has tackled the subject a couple of times, and in doing so he managed to… read more
Why Famous Men Become Outspoken Feminists
Have you ever wondered why so many male celebrities go out of their way to voice their alignment with “feminism”? Did you ever wonder why so many famous, good-looking men… read more
How 4Chan Discredited A Culture Of Outrage
There has been a lot of feminist outrage online recently with regard to topics relating to body image. The thigh gap trend was one such topic. Its emphasis on the… read more
How Edward Snowden Will Humble America
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re likely aware of the recent controversies surrounding the American National Security Agency’s surveillance programs. Leaks by Edward Snowden revealed the extent of… read more
My Year In Review: Four Articles To Consider In 2014
2013 has been a pretty interesting year for ROK. The site has grown tremendously and I’m happy to have been a part of it. In celebration of the year’s end,… read more
3 Reasons Not To Become A Lawyer Right Now
The possibility of becoming a lawyer first began to appeal to me as a kid. I had some older relatives who’d entered the field (becoming judges, professors, and government ministers)… read more
Are White Women A Serious Threat To Black Men?
Much has been said about the dangers black men face in our modern society. The Trayvon Martin incident helped to amplify this focus, but other dangers have been highlighted as… read more
The Vindication of Jameis Winston
If you’re a fan of American college football then you’ve probably heard a decent amount of news from Tallahassee, Florida in recent months, most of it centering on Florida State… read more
Why Game Is Necessary (Part 3)
I’ve already written a couple of posts talking about the necessity of game, and for good reason. Whether it’s preventing the maintenance/expression of absurd levels of neediness or combating gargantuan… read more
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