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Athlone McGinnis
Society Can’t Afford The Educated Woman
Women are making great strides academically, so much so that I think it fair to claim at this point that they have overcome just about all of the road blocks… read more
Why You Should Care Less
The subject of female sexual promiscuity comes up often in the manosphere, unsurprisingly. Guys often talk about the nature of female promiscuity (particularly as it relates to hypergamy) and its… read more
Who Do You Want To Be?
Here at ROK we often emphasize the need for all men to take the “red pill” and subsequently accept the truths about sex and gender that it reveals. This is… read more
Is Kanye West The Black Mark Minter?
Many of us here are familiar with the story of Mark Minter. A middle aged male with an apparent MRA leaning, Minter made a name for himself in the manosphere… read more
Why Game Is Necessary (Part 2)
Previously: Part 1 We’re big on the concept of self-improvement here at ROK, and for good reason. We understand that men cannot hope to get want they want out of… read more
3 Reasons Why Drake Gets So Much Hate
Aubrey Drake Graham is a popular and polarizing figure. Even though I don’t actually dislike much of his music, I recognize the flaws inherent to Drake the artist. To this… read more
The Farce Of “Rape Culture” In The Workplace
Plenty has been said about women in the workplace and their interaction with men, and most of it has been negative. Feminists and progressives on one end have little good… read more
3 Reasons Why America Can’t Afford Obesity
The topic of obesity is a familiar one in the United States. The condition has become so closely associated with American life that some even consider it one of the… read more
Don’t Hate On A Skilled Hustler
The public has recently been made aware of Blake Griffin’s entrance into the world of fatherhood. For those of you who don’t know him, Griffin is an NBA superstar who… read more
Why There Will Always Be A Sexual “Double Standard”
Women complain about the sexual “double standard” all the time. “Why is a girl who sleeps around a slut but when a guy does it he gets praise? So unfair!!” Females… read more
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