Posts by

Athlone McGinnis
How to Fight Abortion
I’ve tackled the issue of abortion once before here at ROK. In that article I noted that while I generally dislike abortion and have maintained pro-life leanings for most of… read more
How Not To Be A Man
The recent Miley Cyrus debacle has generated a lot of conversation online, most of it rightfully directed at Cyrus. It appears, however, that it has also brought the white knight… read more
How Modern Feminism Won The Day
By now Iâm sure youâve all heard about the recent debacle with entertainer Miley Cyrus at the latest edition of the MTV Video Music Awards. If not, here you go:… read more
Why Americans Hate The Oldest Profession
Few nations have had a more complex relationship with prostitution than the USA. Desire isnât the issue. Prostitution enjoys plenty of demand in the United States, just as it does… read more
Why Solidarity Really Is For White Women
I wrote a while ago about the nature of feminism as a general expression of white western female privilege. In short, modern western feminism is a movement of well-off white… read more
How American Football Became A Racket
The game of American football has played a large role in my life. It shaped most of my youth, the effort I exerted to remain competitive in it having governed… read more
Why Feminists Shouldn’t Miss Hugo Schwyzer
Last week the internet was greeted with news of the departure of the feminist blogosphereâs leading man, Hugo Schwyzer. Why? For one, the toxicity of take-down culture is exhausting and… read more
Why Game Is Necessary
Those in the manosphere who study and discuss game have a lot of critics. White knights and feminists alike are quick to shame, calling knowledge of game and discussion of… read more
Why Trayvon Martin Isn’t That Important
The verdict in a case dealing with the murder of Trayvon Martin came out recently and, unless youâve been living under a rock (or are far outside of North America),… read more
Why You Should Know Your Environment
Iâve been beating the self-improvement drum here on the manosphere for some time now. From promoting the consistent questioning of what you bring to the table to outlining the need… read more
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