Posts by

Athlone McGinnis
How To Build A Beta Male
We spend a lot of time pointing out the flaws of the beta male and the reasons why any self-respecting man ought to avoid resembling one. What we less often… read more
Why Are Rappers Acting Like Women?
I wrote not too long ago about the growing levels of emasculation weâre seeing in modern hip-hop, despite it generally being credited as part of a highly masculine culture. For… read more
When Abortion Is The Best Option
My natural inclination has been to oppose the promotion and spread of abortion and birth control for reasons familiar to other traditionalists: they undermined the growth of the traditional family… read more
Why Money Can No Longer Save The Beta Male
I’ve already written about the limits of money when it comes to game. Suffice it to say that, in today’s modern Western environment where young, attractive women are exceedingly well… read more
How Thirsty Men Kill Everyone’s Game
Much has been made of the drag social media has become on the dating market. The likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have become inundated with âattention whoresâ, turning into… read more
Why Modern Feminism Is White Womanâs Privilege
Iâve spoken about the limits of feminism before, but today Iâd like to explore them further. Feminism, as a whole, is not without some wide appeal. Women almost everywhere, for… read more
How Young Women Promote The Hookup Culture
People wonder why it is that the hookup culture has risen as rapidly as it has, with some still seemingly taken aback by millennial apathy towards dating. Too often, those… read more
How Black America Was Created
In January, I made a post about how Black America has predicted our future. In that entry I talked about how many of the negative trends harped on in the… read more
The Rise Of “Straight Shaming”
We spend a lot of time on this part of the internet hating on abrasive feminists. Iâm not saying that the likes of Lindy West and Jessica Valenti havenât earned… read more
How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion
We spend a lot of time here debating the root of some of the antagonism going on between the genders in our society. Today, Iâd like to submit an underrated… read more
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