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Athlone McGinnis
When Female Ambition Clashes With Reality
There has been a lot of dialogue lately about the challenges career women face when it comes to family formation. As I predicted earlier, women are beginning to run into… read more
Why Itâs Time For Some People To Put Down The Race Card
People are still talking about this yearâs Super Bowl commercials. Aside from the most obviously controversial advert, one other spot is generating a lot of conversation. That ad came courtesy… read more
How Hip-Hop Was Neutered
I like hip-hop. Contrary to the beliefs of some of the more conservative among us, I think the form has some artistic value and can certainly be enjoyable to listen… read more
8 Great Lifestyle Cars For Under $15,000
The debate regarding the automobile and its relation to oneâs value in the sexual marketplace has been ongoing for some time, with some overstating the carâs value as a tool… read more
Why Marriage Can Still Be A Viable Option
There is much hostility toward the idea of matrimony within the manosphere, and understandably so. Most of those familiar with this part of the internet come from western nations and… read more
The Ironies Of Female Empowerment
I am often stricken by how brazen some feminist thinkers and sympathizers can be in biting the hand that feeds them and throwing stones from glass houses. Many are bold enough… read more
How Black America Has Predicted Our Future
Much has been made in the manosphere of the ongoing rise of negative social indicators in the United States and the general societal decline that they seem to be predicting,… read more
Let Women Think You’re Their Dream Man
I want to take the time to illustrate a classic mistake many men make in trying to determine the methodology behind female mate choice: thinking like a dude. Our strictly… read more
Why So Serious?
Here is a status I saw from a female on facebook recently: “Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.” In analyzing this chick logic,… read more
Is Feminism Its Own Worst Enemy?
We in the manosphere have made plenty of fuss about the impact of modern western gender feminism on society, and much has been written regarding what should be done to… read more
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