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15 Examples Of How Much Prettier American Girls Would Be If They Lost Weight
This web site has been a beacon of light in a dark world that tries to sell men and society on the idea of fat acceptance. This idea is in… read more
Why Is Female Sex Tourism Embraced By Society?
Female sex tourists are usually older women from First World developed countries who visit developing countries looking for the “love” of a younger man. These relationships are transactional in nature… read more
Paternity Fraud Is Worse Than Rape
To me the word rape has just about lost all of its meaning. Thanks to feminists and the “rape culture” propaganda it has been devalued and now I get very… read more
The Benefits Of Avoiding Fatherhood
In the last few years there have even been many articles and even books written by women expelling the virtues of avoiding motherhood. In fact any cursory glance at the… read more
How To Convince A Girl To Get An Abortion
Let’s face it: sexually active people have accidents. Shit happens, that’s life. But we know that men have no reproductive rights in opting out of a being a parent. With… read more
How A Vasectomy Improved My Game
Prior to getting a vasectomy my biggest fear in life was some girl I was fucking telling me she was pregnant. Forget thoughts of cancer, natural disasters or dying in… read more
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