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American Girls Have No Game
A while ago, I met a Canadian girl on the subway. I walked into the train and went straight for the long-haired cutie with a round face I’d spotted before… read more
The 5 Most Common Types of Cockblockers
We’ve talked about how the deck is stacked against men getting laid by a prevailing culture of cockblocking—people and institutions working behind the scenes to prevent you from getting trim…. read more
The World Is A Cockblocker
I’m a huge eavesdropper. I listen in on a lot of things, but one of my favorites is girls talking amongst themselves when they think no one else is listening…. read more
All Girls Like Rough Sex
I started out my young-adult life thinking the best of women. I don’t know if that’s because, from a young age, they drill it into your malleable brain through ridiculous… read more
The 5 Commandments Of Online Dating
Like it or not, online dating has emerged as a legit player in the dating market in recent years. What was once the repository for the dregs of female creation… read more
The Holidays: Amateur Nights on Steroids
It seems like every few weeks I surprise one of my second-stringer blue-pill acquaintances when I turn down his “irresistible invitation” to some “can’t-miss” weekend event or a bash for… read more
“You Didn’t Have To Make Things Awkward”
Not long ago, I was at a “networking event” with some people I know in various professional capacities. The post-business-drinks-and-music part was held at a fancy bar-lounge. There, I spotted… read more
What A Girl’s Haircut Says About Her
You’ve probably noticed—especially if you live in an urban setting in the United States or Northern Europe—the proliferation of short haircuts among young women. That includes anything from the chin-length… read more
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