How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

We spend a lot of time here debating the root of some of the antagonism going on between the genders in our society. Today, I’d like to submit an underrated source of this tension and of female delusion: the higher education bubble.

I mentioned female ambition in my previous post. Much of the ambition I described there is fed by easy access to higher education. All of these girls are being sold an idea of the “empowerment” a degree can offer, and they are buying it hook, line, and sinker.

The dream that universities are selling to young middle/upper class women is one in which they can all go to the top with the aid of an education and one in which the whole lot of them (even the less talented) can truly “have it all” so long as they’ve got the degree. If they just secure a few loans, go to school and study whatever interests them, they too can have trendy, powerful professional positions like the girls they see on TV, even if whatever they’re majoring in is totally unmarketable in this economy.

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

Every little girl is a star.
Every little girl is a future corporate or legal power player.
Every little girl is special…so long as they’ve got the degree to show it.

Witness the girl Roosh recently trolled:

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

Note the total lack of ambiguity in her speech—she is GOING to be an established lawyer in the largest legal market in North America, and it WILL happen in just a decade. There’s no room for humility either—she IS beautiful, outgoing, driven and educated.

These qualities (especially the last one) make her special, and give her the false authority to insult and talk down to men she hasn’t even met like Roosh. The college degree is the source of her audacity.

Realistically, unless she’s good enough to get into a very good law school (top 25 at least), her chances of finding a good job and becoming an “established” lawyer in a decade aren’t great. The current legal market sucks and even in better days it often took lawyers well over a decade to get “established” in major markets.

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

Do these realities register? Not really, and explaining them to the future feminist “superstar” in question won’t help much. They’re certain that they are all special snowflakes, and that is the end of the conversation. Men suffer from irrational ambition as well but, as evidenced by our inferior rates of degree attainment these days, we aren’t being suckered into the academic ruse quite as readily as women are.

There are millions of broke dudes running around confident that they can all become big time producers, rappers, athletes, musicians or businessmen, even if there is little objective reason to believe so. The difference is that not quite as many of them are tying a college education (and the large amounts of debt that come with it) to these ambitions. Their female counterparts, who are all dying to be big time designers, fashionistas, writers, courtroom superstars (like the ones they see on Law and Order) and the like, are carrying much larger debt loads to service their ambition.

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion


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As women increase their dominance in higher education, they also carry more of the consequences. An increasingly large percentage of our society’s higher education debt load is now being carried by women.

What else fuels this irrational confidence and boundless ambition?

Myth A: The myth that a college degree still opens doors no matter what. This is what has folks like the girl above thinking that a law degree, simply by virtue of its being a law degree, will have them “established” in a decade, shitty legal job market and all.

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

Myth B: The college bubble—the excessive proliferation of these degrees and the borrowed money to finance them have made higher education below a certain stratosphere almost unremarkable, thus proving the fallacy of Myth A. Degrees are a dime a dozen now and everyone can find a way to pay for them (even as prices continue to grow), so many more people can put their belief in Myth A into practice only to discover its fallacy upon graduation.

The girl Roosh trolled above felt confident enough to contact him out of nowhere, condescend to him, lecture him, and then outright insult him. Why? Because of these delusions I’m bringing up. The widespread proliferation of degrees combined with the ease of financing them and the myth that they automatically open the doors to greatness provides a false sense of authority.

Women are the ones most impacted by this because they’re dominating higher education and earning most of the degrees, all while being fed propaganda by modern feminists about “girl power” and “The End of Men.” You’re seeing attitudes among them that reflect this.

If you’re sure you’re so smart that your degree is about to make you a big shot (all your friends, the media, the schools, and your parents have told you so) and you got the social media machine feeding you constant validation (every instagram mirror shot you put up gets 30-50 likes minimum and a bunch of thirsty comments) and you have an army of white knights out at clubs and at your school to do the same, how are you going to behave?

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

Chances are you’ll act a lot bigger than you actually are. How humble could you possibly be in the face of such unrelenting praise? Blatantly insulting a dude on the internet whose writing you don’t like probably seems like nothing, and respecting anyone else may become a taller order as well, especially if they’re male. You’re certainly not going to offer proper apologies where they are warranted—why should you?

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion
“I sincerely apologize if you saw it as bullying”? She’s not sorry about what she actually did—she doesn’t need to be because she’s an empowered, special snowflake and future top legal professional. She’s only sorry about the way the execution of the false authority she’s been granted by her degree was perceived.

When the college mythology loses its luster and the bubble that is modern day higher education actually pops, we may indeed begin to see serious change. Girls of a mind similar to the one above may have a harder time finding financial backing for their degrees, and their delusions of grandeur will be revealed more clearly without that false authority to back it up. The fallacy of the “have it all” meme will become more and more obvious.

This may happen sooner than we think as many young women, formerly host to mindsets and ambitions similar to those of the girl above, find themselves playing the barista at Starbucks to get by following the attainment of their English degree from [Insert Run Of The Mill State/Overpriced Private University Here].

How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

So long as this bubble remains, however, average and unremarkable girls will still feel entitled to a future resembling that of Hillary Clinton or Carrie Bradshaw (wealthy, educated, and/or powerful), and they’ll act accordingly.

Why show any respect to the pawns and knights surrounding you when you have already been crowned a queen?

Read Next: Careers That An American Education Can Buy You


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