Is there a “shortage” of single fathers?

Captain Capitalism found an article on eHarmony titled 15 Reasons to Date a Single Mom. The fifteen reasons boil down to various ways of stating that single moms are easy, they will mother you, and you get to have fun with kids. They also threw some whoppers in for color, like:

2. She’s already a great mom. (And weren’t you looking for someone who would be a great mother? Look no further!)

Unless she is a widow, single motherhood is an indication that she has failed profoundly as a mother.  This doesn’t mean she isn’t trying desperately to overcome this, and there are some exceptions, but to claim that failing to create a stable home for her children is proof that a woman is a “great mom” is ludicrous on its face.

Here is another one I can’t imagine they typed up with a straight face (emphasis mine):

7. She’s loyal — and is fiercely protective of her little brood.

Not being married to the father of her children isn’t a marker of loyalty.  Again, there can be good reasons why a woman might find herself without the father of her children in the household, but the fact that he’s not around isn’t proof of her loyalty;  statistically speaking it is more likely than not an indication that she ejected the father from the home.  Aside from widows, it is at the very least a red flag which needs to be thoroughly vetted.

I also enjoyed the next one, which while part of the “Single moms are easy” category, is still worth noting separately:

10. She’s no longer a party girl, but a fun night out is still very welcome.

Good news!  She’s had her alpha f****, so now it is time for your beta bucks!

The good captain understandably has tired of the pleas for him and men like him to “man up” and take on a single mother.  He wondered why single mothers can’t focus their romantic attention on single fathers, instead of constantly having to enlist men without children.  Part of this no doubt is due to strip mining, but the captain wondered if there wasn’t an imbalance of single fathers to single mothers.  Check out his full post for details, but he found data indicating that there is a 15 million single mother surplus in the US.

One question the captain had with the data he found is how increased male mortality might be factoring in.  How much of that 15 million single mother surplus is due to older age brackets where women outnumber men, and how much is due to hypergamy.  I did a bit of searching on my own, and found a report from The data is from 2000, but it still gives a somewhat recent snapshot of the percent of men and women by age bracket who have ever had children.

Figure 1.
Percentage of adults ages 18 and older who have ever had a biological child: 2000

Is there a “shortage” of single fathers?

Like the captain’s numbers, this doesn’t separate out single vs married mothers and fathers, but the overall imbalance for the age brackets under 45 certainly fits with the captain’s hypothesis.


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