Marriage is bad for women.

Well, this is embarrassing.  I was going to do a satirical writeup on a group of news stories selling divorce, but no matter how hard I try it just isn’t working.  I did some troubleshooting and found the problem.  I’ve heard about this kind of thing happening to other bloggers, but I never thought it would happen to me:

But that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying a round of female martyrdom complex satire free.

Entry #1: New York Times Once Rare in Rural America, Divorce Is Changing the Face of Its Families (H/T Kate):

“As we get more education we get more confidence and more income,” Ms. Vermeer said, “women are saying, ‘Look, she finally had the guts to stand up and walk out.’ ”

Entry #2: The Atlantic Longevity Myths (H/T Lily):

women who got divorced often thrived. Even women who were widowed often did exceptionally well. It often seemed as if women who got rid of their troublesome husbands stayed healthy

Entry #3: The Sunday Times All change (H/T Dan S):

In a new book, Dr Louann Brizendine explains how changes caused by the menopause weaken women’s instinct to hold a family together and liberate them from the need to put up with the failings of second-rate husbands

It goes without saying that any man considering marriage should have a keen eye out for the faintest hint of a martyrdom complex in his prospective wife.  The media and others will be whispering this kind of crap for the duration of your marriage.  Better to have her carping about why no one will man up and marry her than have her complaining about marrying you.

For those not opposed to leftover smartass, might I suggest:

You may also enjoy CSPB’s post on posts:  Which is More Important, the Post or the Hole?


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