The West Has Lost Its Vital Energy
Back then when our forefathers still chased deer in the woods, when they wrestled invaders in the mountains and threw their spears at ferocious beasts, they did it with fury… read more
9 Secrets To Living A Joyful Life
Life doesn’t always have to be boring or sad just because most of the world is. Below I will share some of the ways I try to make my reality… read more
Don’t Believe The Historical Revisionism That Hollywood Inserts Into World War II Movies
The United States has a timeless love affair with World War II which is unlikely to subside, even as nearly all veterans of the conflict (whether soldier or civilian) pass… read more
4 Reasons You Should Start Drinking Alaska Chaga Tea
The following article was sponsored by Alaska Chaga. Many men drink green tea or other types of tea for health reasons or just as a refreshing beverage. Alaska chaga tea… read more
Societies That Don’t Have A Stable Middle Class Become Matriarchies
I wrote an article about enforced monogamy where I discussed how the responsibility of marriage, rather than just consistent access to sex, keeps men law abiding (if it was just about… read more
Rick And Morty Is Targeted For Beta Males Who Crave Alpha Male Fathers
Dan Harmon, a co-creator of the very successful adult cartoon Rick and Morty, is in some heat lately because of a tasteless comedic sketch he filmed some time ago. It’s… read more
Christian Doctor Fired In UK For Saying There Are Only Two Genders, Ending His 26-Year Career
Via News.com.au: A UK doctor who was sacked for refusing to refer to transgender people by their preferred gender pronoun says there is a “climate of fear” in his profession… read more
Chad Actor Announces He’s Scared To Hit On Girls Because Of #MeToo, Gets Immediately Attacked
Henry Cavill, an up-and-coming actor, was the subject of a long, breezy feature on GQ Australia. Reading between the lines, I gather that attaining stardom had its ups and downs… read more
10 Reasons Why You Should Own A Jet Ski
Have you always thought about getting a jet ski, but had your doubts about pulling the trigger? Take it from me, they are more fun than you might think—and they… read more
3 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before Buying Your Next Pair Of Shoes
The following article is sponsored by Paul Evans Shoes. Shoes are an aspect of fashion that most men don’t put much thought into. In particular, most men don’t think about what… read more
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