How To Safely Start The Ketogenic Diet
So, you’ve heard about all the benefits of a keto diet, and you want to make the switch. Should you just go all in and drop all your carbs? Not… read more
4 Ways Western Culture Creates Weak Husbands
As much as some of us would like to think women are solely to blame for the degradation of the family unit, they are not. Men are to blame too…. read more
Being Situationally Aware Is A Matter Of Life Or Death
It is 7:30am on the day after Christmas in 2004. The sun is already up in the blue sky of the Andaman sea, and some rare tourists are walking on… read more
PUA Author Neil Strauss Attempts Polyamory And Fails
After his misadventures in sex rehab, Neil Strauss’ The Truth seems like a twisted version of Saint Augustine’s Confessions. After much hand-wringing, personal introspection, and researching relationships, he concluded that monogamy opposes… read more
11 Real Ratings Of Women On The 1-10 Attractiveness Scale
I’ve been posting pictures of different women on my Twitter with the question “Would you bang?” A few days after sharing a picture, I tallied up on the yes and… read more
How To Be More Courteous To The Right People
Chivalric courtesy was the one most important factor in creating and maintaining the strong patriarchal order of Western Civilization that its wise men today are so nostalgic of. How is… read more
6 Reasons Why Hospitals Are A Corporate Scam
An American hospital is a business—nothing more. Some may be subsidized by our socialist-leaning liberal government, but for the most part, hospitals need you there to get paid. And the… read more
I Hate Living In Toronto
When everything you have ever been told is a lie, everything you say will likely be a lie. I feel as though every time I interact with the outside world,… read more
3 Deadly Mistakes That Are Killing Your Testosterone Levels
That headline is a tad dramatic, but I needed to get your attention. Why? Because over the past few weeks of talking to guys on the phone trying to figure… read more
How To Keep Your Crotch Cool During The Summer Heat
The following article was sponsored by SHEATH Underwear. The rising temperature tells us that summer has arrived, and with it comes that unmistakable discomfort of a sweaty nether region. It… read more
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