What Really Happened During The Russian Revolution
If there is any single event in human history that leftists worship, it is the communist Russian Revolution. They idealize it as some sort of glorious triumph of the common… read more
Most Anglo Men Are Cucks
If you are an avid reader of ROK, you will by now be familiar with the catastrophic condition of Western Civilisation. You will also, via the almost repetitive literary exploration… read more
Universities That Catered To SJW’s Are Experiencing Lower Enrollment And Dire Finances
Via Breitbart: Over the last few years, a select few schools around the country have shown the high cost of catering to the demands of partisan activist groups and mobs… read more
How Consumerism Transformed Society And Became The Only Purpose Of Human Existence
In times long past, most people lived in small farming communities. Everyone knew their neighbors, breathed clean air, ate food we’d call organic today (that’s all there was back then),… read more
Is Enforced Monogamy A Solution To The Broken Sexual Marketplace?
Recently, psychologist and lecturer Jordan Peterson received criticism from his detractors for using the term “enforced monogamy” in a NY Times interview. Feminists mischaracterized Peterson as advocating a form of… read more
Planned Parenthood Tells Women To Sleep Around To Preserve Its Abortion Business
Via Breitbart: Planned Parenthood NYC Action’s new fundraising campaign touting the “freedom to f**k” comes in the wake of President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme… read more
4 Observations From My Trip To Vietnam
Occasionally I write about East Asia here at ROK, and after having spenth about a month in South Korea, Japan, Vietnam and other locations, I have additional insights and information… read more
Women Are Destroying The Lives Of Their Children By Choosing To Work
Working moms… is this anyone more vain than a mother who has prioritized her career over the care and safety over her children? No, there isn’t. Men don’t have a… read more
Tekashi 69 Shows How Clownish The Rap World Has Become
Clown World is not without a King. His name is Daniel Hernandez, aka Tekashi 69. As a rapper with rainbow hair, absurd facial tattoos, and history of underage sex crimes,… read more
9 Ways Game Has Changed From 2001 To 2018
A lot of men ask me what it was like to run game on American women over 15 years ago. While I don’t automatically take the nostalgic view that everything… read more
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