How To “Program” Yourself To Be More Charismatic
A couple of weeks ago, I discussed several basic techniques to increase your charisma. These techniques were all strictly “mechanical”: ways to gesture and speak that give one the appearance… read more
Canadian DJ Has His Life Ruined In 24 Hours After An Anonymous Rape Accusation Appeared On Twitter
The past year has proven to be a particularly damning one for allegations of sexual assault to surface against many high ranking members of society. Names such as James Franco,… read more
What To Do If Your Boomer Relatives Try To Steal Your Children
If you are a gen-X or a millennial born before 1991, chances are you have a son or a daughter. If you gamed girls efficiently, then spotted a valuable, trustworthy girl… read more
The Rise Of Game Denialism Is Hurting A Lot Of Men
As the ‘how to date women successfully’ niche matures, its best known exponents are subject to constant scrutiny and—in some cases—ridicule online. This is fair enough. If you are going… read more
Scottish Man Convicted Of “Hate Crime” For Teaching An Ugly Pug How To Do Nazi Salutes
A YouTuber and comedian who taught a pug to perform the Hitler salute to annoy his girlfriend has been convicted of a “hate crime” by a Scottish court. Count Dankula, real… read more
19 Types Of Younger Women Who Love Older Men
The appeal of older men to younger women beyond the strictly “gold digger” transactional urban legend is fully embodied in one phrase: “The Most Interesting Man in the World.” Dos… read more
Feminists Are Hysterical About Rape Because No Man Wants To Rape Them
We must ask ourselves why there is so much hysteria about rape when we live in countries, and have a culture, in which a woman’s chances of being raped stand… read more
13 Rules For Surviving A Court Appearance
So you got a ticket for going 92 miles per hour in a 55 zone. Or some girl got mad and said that you popped her in the jaw. You… read more
American Universities Attack Trump For Being A Dictator While Staying Silent About China’s Authoritarianism
Countless leftist universities, professors, lecturers, and students have attacked President Donald Trump for being a “dictator” purportedly endangering people or inflicting actual “harm” on them. Trump, an elected head of… read more
The #MeToo Movement Has Ruined My Sex Life
First off—let me start by saying rape is bad—in any and all situations. There is a debate as to whether or not the #metoo movement is actually directly stopping any… read more
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