5 Biggest Financial Mistakes Made By Expats
When I first went abroad, I was utterly transfixed by how cheap everything is. Unfortunately, I quickly found myself spending as I would in the United States for a lifestyle… read more
The Rise And Fall Of Eminem
I was ten years old when my father bought the Marshall Mathers LP. I sat in the passenger’s seat of my father’s black Nissan Altima as he inserted the CD… read more
5 Myths About Testosterone That Seriously Need To Die
Testosterone is what makes a man, a man. In a society that’s increasingly lacking a positive masculine identity, testosterone has become a hot topic of discussion. Today, I will dispel five of… read more
Everything That Sucks About America Comes From Busybody Schoolmarms
On occasion, I feel the need to defend American history and culture from the constant, constant criticisms and mockeries and deconstructions it faces. You can read more about this here,… read more
Americans Continue To Get Fatter Than Ever
Sensible nutrition helps to stay fit, but with the increase in big multi-national corporations dominating the food industry with more small farmers going down under, obesity is now a worldwide… read more
What Ignoring Plumbing And Its History Says About Modern Civilization
“That’s the trouble with everybody – you’re all so bored,” rants Johnny, the protagonist of Mike Leigh’s 1993 film Naked. “You’ve had nature explained to you and you’re bored with… read more
3 Blue Pills That Most Men Can’t Defeat
The red pill has opened so many eyes to the cultural degeneracy and globalist social engineering around us. If there is any downside to the red pill it’s that you… read more
6 Reasons You Need To Visit Saint Petersburg
With the re-election of Vladimir Putin as the President of Russia on Sunday, my thoughts turned to my last visit to the beautiful city of St. Petersburg. Putin was born… read more
The Death Of Britannia
I’ve lived in England for twenty-two years and observed its steady decline into a shivering basket case terrified of offensive language. Here are nine reasons to avoid the UK but… read more
Bartstool Sports Is Profiting From Pushing A Beta Male Lifestyle Onto American Men
Barstool Sports is a blog centered around watching television, drinking alcohol, and eating pizza. This faux brand of masculinity glorifies mediocrity, weakness, and decadence. “If you like sports, if you… read more
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