5 Hidden Costs Of Living In Ukraine
After spending far too long working like a slave, running on the hedonic treadmill, and wasting my life stuck in the trap of Western society, I decided that enough was… read more
The Ludicrous Idealization Of Female Action Heroes
Here’s a chicken or egg question for you: what came first, Hollywood’s decision to depict female action heroes that outclass their male counterparts or men’s inclination to believe women can… read more
Penis Envy Is Out Of Control Among Western Women
In my earlier years as an upper-secondary school teacher, I made some valuable insights about female nature, socialisation of the coming generation, and intersexual dynamics. I also met some interesting… read more
Runaway Train
Ten years ago, I was staying at a hostel in Buenos Aires. I was nearly five months into what would be a six month backpacking trip through South America. Things… read more
Pedophilia Is Entrenched Within The Highest Reaches Of The French Elite
French justice just acquitted a man after he had sex with an 11-year-old girl, on the grounds that the “sex was consensual.” As you probably know by now, after inoculating the most… read more
6 Strategies For Beating False Sexual Allegations At Work
As men enter lucrative positions and ascend up the ladders of success, an increasingly common tactic to derail them is the malicious false allegation. Modern employment culture places masculine men… read more
5 Christian Resources For Men Who Want To Deepen Their Faith
In the comment section of a recent article, I was asked what resources I’d recommend for those seeking the bulwark of Christian spirituality in these trying times. Given the endless… read more
Bullshit Degrees Are Scamming College Students
College once was an institution for educating society’s best and brightest to their highest potential. Later, a degree came to be seen as a guaranteed ticket to the middle class…. read more
English Actor Who Bent Over Backwards For The #MeToo Movement Gets Cucked By His Wife
Colin Firth, a stalwart of the #Metoo movement, has just been hung from his own gallows. His wife is revealed to have had an affair with the man who… wait… read more
10 Lessons I Learned From Henry Ford
Deferential admiration does little to serve ROK readers. Lessons from a prolific man of historical significance like Henry Ford however; are of great value. What can we learn from Henry… read more
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