Women Lie… About Everything
Women lie. They lie easily, often, and without any sense of guilt. This is all easy and rather fun to prove which I’ll show you later. The question that lingers… read more
How A 23-Year-Old College Dropout Makes $10,000/Month Trading Bitcoin
The following article is sponsored by Jon Anthony’s Bitcoin Millionaire. I remember the last job I had, before deciding to say “fuck all” and walk off into the sunset. It… read more
Jews Are Not Entirely To Blame For The Ills Of Modern Western Society
If you make the mistake of reading the work of mainstream journalists, you’ll notice that many of them are writing about the sudden and inexplicable rise of bigotry in America… read more
2 Masculine Autobiographies That Are Often Overlooked
There are great lessons to be learned in the biographies of prolific men. Contemporary masculine biographies are somewhat rare considering the massive pussifcation that’s taking place. Luckily, the manosphere provides… read more
When You Set A Goal, You Inherit A Lifestyle
The following article was originally published on Roosh V. Upon setting a goal, you fantasize about the pleasure you’ll receive from accomplishing it. The problem is that only a tiny… read more
6 Job Ads That Reveal The Anti-White And Anti-Male Agenda Of Corporate America
By now, we are pretty well aware of how most white-collar jobs in the United States and other western countries absolutely blow for a myriad of reasons. A huge percentage… read more
Red Pill Lessons From The Final Season Of “The Wonder Years”
A ritual my wife and I often do after putting the kids to bed is watch a TV show together. With most of the current TV shows being subpar, and… read more
The Life Expectancy Of Americans Has Started To Decline
Remember when Roosh said on Dr. Oz that we will see the first time in history where the life expectancy will be lower? Well, it just happened. According to Reuters… read more
Why Are Older Women Chasing Young Men?
In the old days when the world was more sane, marriage was between a young fertile woman in her prime and an older man who had an established career. This… read more
First Look At My New Book “Game”
I received a package in the mail that contained a proof copy of my newest book. Here’s a first look… Visit my Youtube channel and hit the Subscribe button to see… read more
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