How To Break Through Beta Male Conditioning
Are you alpha? The Red Pill glossary of terms defines an alpha male as one who is socially dominant and displays high-value traits that are attractive to women. To expand… read more
Autistic Male Student Is Hit With Title IX Harassment Violation For Offering Fist Bump To Female Student
Via The College Fix: A “fist bump” and a selfie may have ended Marcus Knight’s educational career right as it started. The student, who has autism, cerebral palsy and a shunt… read more
4 Things I Enjoy About My White Privilege
It is obvious, in twenty-first century America, that European-Americans are the most privileged group in the country. We essentially are the bees knees and everyone else is oppressed just because… read more
San Francisco Health Organization Insists You Replace “Vaginas” With Inclusive Term “Front Holes”
Via The Daily Caller: You may think this story is better suited for Clickhole. If only. Instead, Healthline, a California health info provider, is trying to ruin the term “vagina.” It’s not gender inclusive enough…. read more
Jewish Video Gamer David Katz Kills 2 After Losing In Video Game Tournament
Via Forward: A professional video gamer from Baltimore is suspected of killing at least two people and wounded several others on Sunday when he opened fire at a video game… read more
6 Reasons Why I Probably Won’t Get Married
Recently I spent time with extended family. A common question was, “Why aren’t you married yet?” I replied by asking them how much time they had for me to explain… read more
5 Ways To Keep Your Cool When Shit Hits the Fan
There will be times in life that you will be so angry or upset that you will be tempted to do some dumb shit that could ruin your life, career,… read more
Why We Must Not Allow Progressives To Control The English Language
Let me take this opportunity to turn a smug Marxist aphorism on its head: language (and not religion) is the true opiate of the masses. It is for this reason… read more
Texas Law Student Forced To Write 6-Page Essay About His “Toxic Masculinity” Or Face Expulsion
Via Breitbart: A law student at the University of Texas was forced to reflect on “toxic masculinity” as a punishment for harassment. An anonymous law student at the University of… read more
Game Helps Us Understand The Insanity Of 21st Century Liberalism
One of these Universal Truths is that liberalism is essentially female in nature. The Democratic Party mainly consists of single white women, beta males and people of color (PoC). The… read more
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