She was used!

Right in line with my last post, tabloid magazine In Touch and the Christian Post decry Kanye West’s failure to marry two time divorcée and soon to be baby mama Kim Kardashian.  The In Touch cover indignantly declares:

Humiliated Kim Discovers She’s Been Used
She thought Kanye would be her ticket to ultimate fame & fortune. Now divorced and desperate to wed, Kim realizes she’s been played as he refuses to propose

This is standard tabloid fare, but it isn’t just In Touch which is outraged that Kanye West is refusing to honor this two time divorcée’s sacred man up card.   The Christian Post headline worries:  Kanye West ‘Has No Intention’ of Marrying Pregnant Kim Kardashian? (emphasis mine):

[Kardashian], who is seven months along in her pregnancy, admitted that she would walk down the aisle again despite previously enduring two divorces.

“She served a purpose for him … Kim used to be so desirable that every guy wanted to date her. But now he’s over it,” the insider claimed.

All I have to say to Kanye is:

18 years, 18 years
She got one of your kids got you for 18 years
I know somebody paying child support for one of his kids
His baby mamma’s car and crib is bigger than his
You will see him on TV any given Sunday
Win the Superbowl and drive off in a Hyundai
She was suppose to buy you shorty TYCO with your money
She went to the doctor got lypo with your money
She walking around looking like Michael with your money


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