Aging Feminists
Marriage strike?
Grerp has sparked a spirited discussion on her blog with her post A question for the gentlemen. In that post she mentions the oft cited manosphere threat of a marriage… read more
Feminism and women’s happiness.
I’m not the first to note that feminism tends to make women unhappy. For example, many have pointed out that it makes women unhappy by suggesting they arrange their lives… read more
Is Marcos evil for conning women looking to trade sex for financial security?
Several months back I wrote a post titled Next Phase of the Hypergamous Arms Race: Revenge of the Nerds? In the post I asked the question if today’s round of… read more
It’s still about her.
In my previous post It’s all about her, I shared the story of Jenni as recounted from the blog sincemydivorce. Since then the blogger there has done three more installments… read more
It’s all about her.
Earlier this week I stumbled onto a blog named sincemydivorce, a blog by a divorcée in her late 50s dedicated to celebrating the good from divorce. The blogger wrote a… read more
35 and unmarried? Sing for a husband on youtube!
I saw the video below on the Rex Patriarch blog post Hitting The Wall Like A Bug On The Windshield. A 35 year old woman on a desperate husband hunt… read more
Girl power!
The other day our daughter came home from kindergarten asking about girl power. Evidently the girls in her class have been talking about it, and she wanted to know what… read more
Sex Cartel!
grerp has an outstanding post titled More on Susan Walsh vs Friedman and Marcotte, where she describes the gradually changing landscape for women due to the sexual revolution: In 1965… read more
Eat Pray Love: Where are they now?
One interesting thing about EPL is that it is based on actual events that happened around 10 years ago. If you are like me you are pretty close to EPL’d… read more
How come women don’t understand how tacky movies like Eat Pray Love are?
Spearhead has a post titled Feminists on the Defensive as Eat Pray Love Widely Panned by Critics. It is an excellent post, which discusses how everyone is treating the abominable… read more
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