Church Apathy About Divorce
Nothing is more subversive than the truth
The culture war is over. Feminism won. Feminism has completed its long march through the institutions of the west. Even the church is collaborating with an enthusiasm which would have… read more
Thou shalt be true to thyself
Terry Breathing Grace tipped me off about this great video blog by Sheila Gregoire of To Love, Honor, and Vacuum. Sheila has commented on this site from time to time,… read more
U.S. Historical Living Arrangements of Children: 1880 to 2009
I found this chart in the Census paper Living Arrangements of Children: 2009. The sudden drop in the percentage of children living with both parents starting in 1970 is profound… read more
The child support catastrophe
Child support is typically framed as state intervention on behalf of children. However, it is more accurately an alternative to marriage for women. Traditionally, women would find a man willing… read more
Historical data on marriage and divorce in the US
I found the paper Marriage and Divorce: Changes and their Driving Forces. This excerpt from their analysis of the chart in Figure 1 surprised me : Yet when viewed over… read more
Rotating Polyandry and NAWALT
Kathy and Flavia have both pointed out in the comments section of the last post that the description of women in Devlin’s article doesn’t apply to all women. Flavia put… read more
Rotating Polyandry and Its Enforcers
By way of Foseti and Mangan, F. Roger Devlin’s Rotating Polyandry – and Its Enforcers, Part 1 and Part 2. Edit: H/T as well to Flavia for sharing this first…. read more
You are cordially invited to a hamster hunt
Grab your riding gear (kit?) and your best tracking dogs, we are in for a hamster hunt. Being a gracious host, we won’t just be chasing one hamster, but two!… read more
The contagious nature of divorce.
I’ve linked to this study in the past, but I don’t recall anyone in the manosphere going through it. When a friend of my wife decided to divorce it prompted… read more
Lay down your arms.
Brendan made an excellent point in the comments section of my Trapped in adulthood post: The process of female reliance on peer group support and guidance will not be checked… read more
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