Mentu’s moving vasectomy post.
Mentu put up an outstanding post earlier this week on why he chose to get a vasectomy. Predictably it drew the standard smug. While the standard traditional response to the… read more
Is there a graphic artist in the house?
Reviewing the data on child support and the discussion which followed has me thinking we need an image to break through the frame that child support is only fair and… read more
Updated U.S. Custody and Child Support Data (2009)
Edit: For the latest data, see this post. This is an update of the data I posted in August last year. See the previous page for details on where the… read more
What, Me Worry?
As I mentioned yesterday Darwin Catholic (DC or Mr. Darwin for brevity moving forward) has a post up titled How To Marry a Nice Girl in response to my post… read more
Help the Captain support Glenn Grothman
The good Captain has put out a call for help. I’m admittedly late in responding to this, but he assures me that it isn’t too late for our voices to… read more
How to paint the bias against fathers as unfair to mothers.
that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan. — Leo Rosten on… read more
From cornerstone to stepping stone; the mainstream Christian view of marriage.
empathologicalism suggested that during my limited blogging time I consider posting on several old threads he linked to on Christianforums.com. I took a quick look at one of them (Is… read more
Thank goodness daddy can’t really protect her from bad guys!
World Net Daily has a story on a man who was arrested after his four year old daughter drew a picture of him with a gun (emphasis mine): …Sansone’s 4-year-old… read more
Bargaining in the shadow of the law.
One common bit of misdirection I see when the issue of unfairness in the divorce/custody process is discussed is the argument that men are voluntarily agreeing to the terms. How… read more
Traditional Conservative or Feminist?
Blogger Dennis Mangan kindly linked to my post 40 years of ultimatums in his post The Backlash Against Feminism: Most conservatives just haven’t understood this, mostly in my opinion out of… read more
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