Husbands, submit yourselves to your wives
In one of the early scenes of Fireproof we witness the first of two marital fights which sets up the primary conflict of the movie. Much has been made about… read more
Playing career woman
When Atlas set down the apples and took the heavens upon his shoulders again, Heracles took the apples and ran away. Atlas’ encounter with Heracles Commenter Escoffier asked an excellent… read more
Traditional Conservative or Feminist?
Blogger Dennis Mangan kindly linked to my post 40 years of ultimatums in his post The Backlash Against Feminism: Most conservatives just haven’t understood this, mostly in my opinion out of… read more
We are trapped on Slut Island and Traditional Conservatives are our Gilligan
I know for many of you this really isn’t a bad place. If you are a feminist or a player, this is pretty close to paradise. But if you are… read more
40 years of ultimatums
Women have been continuously renegotiating the social contract in their favor for over 40 years. They have been incredibly successful by making never ending incremental demands. When you consider the… read more
Glenn Stanton of Focus on the Family praises “heroic” unwed mothers
Baby mamas of the world rejoice! Glenn Stanton of Focus on the Family thinks you are a hero! They are largely single moms, I mean very few kids are being… read more
Warn men: Beware Christian marriage doublespeak and hair trigger for wife initiated divorce.
This issue is so important I’m asking my readers and other bloggers to do whatever they can to help spread the word and protect men and their future children. Any… read more
Submitting to the patriarchy in their heads
Don’t miss Laura Grace Robins’ excellent post Christian Manning up. Just a teaser (emphasis mine): You can’t insist on being an independent career woman and take on the values of… read more
Well behaved women seldom make history
The latest Wal-Mart Halloween commercial here in the US reminded me of grerp’s post Piece of Advice #74: Do not confuse being difficult with being strong: If only girls have… read more
Last week I had a discussion with two Christian women on another blog about my criticism of the movie Fireproof in my post The endless courtship fantasy. The women took… read more
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