Her husband is annoying
Terri has a great new post up titled Your Wife Needs To Read This Blog. In it she points out how the media is hyping a new website named My… read more
Nothing is more subversive than the truth
The culture war is over. Feminism won. Feminism has completed its long march through the institutions of the west. Even the church is collaborating with an enthusiasm which would have… read more
Defining sluthood
Susan Walsh tried her hand at defining sluthood back in June with her widely read and thought provoking post What a Slut Is. She had drawn the ire of feminists… read more
The economics of divorce theft and exploitation, and why we should repeal unilateral no fault divorce.
Divorce theft is a common term in the manosphere, but I have noticed that there is some skepticism amongst our feminist guests on this concept (who often use the term… read more
Why a woman’s age at time of marriage matters, and what this tells us about the apex fallacy
In my second post on Last One Down the Aisle Wins, I shared a chart on the effects of age at marriage on divorce rates from the NCHS: The basic… read more
Thoughts on the future of marriage
Commenter davver made the following point in the discussion on Alpha Women, Beta Men: Without disregarding feminism, I really doubt any ideological movement could explain the huge change in behavior… read more
The blurry line between the welfare state and child support
One thing which struck me when I started looking into the issue of child support is how difficult it is to distinguish between child support and the welfare state. For… read more
Complaints of breadwinning wives.
Doomed Harlot made the following comment in the discussion around The child support catastrophe: Men benefit more from marriage than women, especially in more patriarchal societies. It is much easier… read more
From Hawthorne to Povich
White Knight extraordinaire Nathanial Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter is cherished by feminists and English teachers alike. In his magnum opus, protagonist Hester Prynne marries a beta provider and cuckolds him with… read more
U.S. Historical Living Arrangements of Children: 1880 to 2009
I found this chart in the Census paper Living Arrangements of Children: 2009. The sudden drop in the percentage of children living with both parents starting in 1970 is profound… read more
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