Polygamy ahead?
Vox Day seems to argue in The economics of polygamy that we can expect to see women push for legalization of polygamy. Part of his argument is that men have… read more
Addiction to divorce fantasy is also about power.
As recent readers know, I’ve been poking at a massive sore spot for some of my female commenters lately with the themes of post marital spinsterhood and the remarriage strike. … read more
My wife? She’s just some woman I met at a bar. My kids? They’re family!
No, that isn’t me talking about my wife. This is something I read on an investing forum once. It really troubled me when I read it, and has stayed in… read more
The Rationalization Hamster 500!
Few topics generate more excitement for rationalization hamsters than the question of why women don’t (re)marry later in life. Merely bringing this topic up is the equivalent of grabbing a… read more
Hail to the king, baby!
Warning: If you don’t like reading about married sex, you should not click on the link for Married Man Sex Life. I repeat, do not click on the link for… read more
Clarification on my position on a marriage strike.
Fellow blogger Deansdale made an excellent point in the comments section to Driving a stake in the heart of the US marriage strike myth. I’ll begin with admitting that I… read more
Post-marital spinsterhood part two: the data.
As I mentioned on my first post on the topic, I’ve noticed a shift across the generations on how men felt about remarriage. It strikes me that men are both… read more
Thoughts on age gaps in relationships.
I don’t really have strong opinions here, but the issue has come up frequently in the comments recently so I thought I would share my own thoughts on the issue… read more
Marriage strike?
Grerp has sparked a spirited discussion on her blog with her post A question for the gentlemen. In that post she mentions the oft cited manosphere threat of a marriage… read more
Feminism and women’s happiness.
I’m not the first to note that feminism tends to make women unhappy. For example, many have pointed out that it makes women unhappy by suggesting they arrange their lives… read more
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