The pitfalls of failing to take the red pill have been discussed extensively here at ROK. Today I seek to offer yet another example of what can happen to men who fail to take the red pill and embrace the hard truths that come with it.
Meet Max Wade:
Why is Max Wade of any interest to us? Well, to start, he appears to be a Grand Theft Auto character brought to life:
You’re seeing “grand theft auto” in progress, a crime that caught the nation’s attention. That’s Marin’s Max Wade — just 16-years-old at the time — rappelling into a San Francisco dealership and stealing celebrity Chef Guy Fieri’s Lamborghini.
Sounds like a masterful crime, right? The kid was clearly pretty bright – he’d stolen a celebrity’s exotic car straight out of a dealership and managed to elude the police with it for the better part of a year. He even managed to impress the policemen working to find him — who would have thought that a 16 year old kid could pull something like this? It seems like he had everything together, so what got him caught?
Feast your eyes:
This little girl, unwittingly, did more to aid the police in catching Max Wade than the policemen themselves.
Wade finally got caught because of his fascination with a Terra Linda High School student — 17-year-old Eva Dedier.
He texted a friend for advice: “shud i straigh up start sexting with her or be jus be flirty with her.”
Wade texted Dedier for days about getting her a fake ID, and he finally asked: “so who’re you spending valentines with.” Dedier answered, “my friend landon.”Landon Wahlstrom is Wade’s schoolmate from Redwood High. Wade couldn’t take it. He planned his next crime for April 2012 — Friday the 13th. He’s on a motorcycle, all in black, watching as Eva and Landon walk out of a Mill Valley home and climb into his pickup truck.
Garrett says, “It pulled up next to them and the cyclist pulled out a pistol and started shooting at them.”
Wade fired five shots, fumbled and dropped the gun, allowing the couple to speed off. They stopped a few blocks away at Joe’s Taco Lounge. Wahlstrom was cut by flying glass; shaken, but not seriously hurt. It was Wade’s bad luck that the two detectives assigned to the case were motorcycle enthusiasts. They recognized the helmet Wade wore. He was caught on camera filling up at a nearby gas station, shortly before the shooting.
Greg Garrett explains, “Bilt is a store brand that you can only buy from cycle gear, either over the internet or at their retail stores, and we knew that the closest retail store was in San Francisco.”
The store found Wade’s receipt, and a video of him buying the helmet and that black outfit the night before the shooting. Garrett couldn’t find a current address for Max Wade, but a week later came the break — Wade contacted Eva Dedier again about getting her a fake ID, and offered to pick her up in the Lamborghini. Garrett and a team of ten officers were waiting at the Richmond storage facility where Wade had a locker.
Max Wade’s story is another classic example of what can go wrong when one lacks an understanding of red pill truths. For all of his intelligence and criminal daring, Wade was just another teen with oneitis. Beneath the layer of (admittedly misguided) brilliance and intellect that characterized his near perfectly executed theft of the Lamborghini rests nothing more than a tremendous degree of blue-pill insecurity and neediness:
He couldn’t help but tell friends about the heist he pulled off, even sending selfies inside the car. He texted, “mann, i love my life … boostin a lambo and pickin up cute girls when ur 17.”
At the end of the day, this was all about impressing girls. Like most young males lacking exposure to the red pill, Max Wade believed that money could be a panacea to all of a man’s romantic problems. That was the main reason why he boosted the car in the first place: in his mind, an expensive car meant instant access to sexual abundance and, more specifically, access to Eva Dedier.
But money could not have gotten him the girl of his dreams. Why? Because girls like her simply don’t need it. As I wrote over a year ago:
Ask yourself: what does a typical American female fitting her description really need? She’s physically protected (the American suburbia in which she probably grew up is much safer than most of the planet is or has ever been). She’s got food and shelter pretty much taken care of thanks to parents (probably at least middle class suburbanites, if not more affluent). She’s safe, secure and well provisioned. And, if at any moment these realities falter, she has an army of (unattractive, but desperate and dedicated) white knights to uphold them and shield her from any cold realities. Maybe she’ll feel those realities more later as she moves out from under her parents’ wing, loses the ability to maintain a large white knight army and starts to hear a biological clock, but chances are that time will come well after she exits the 18-24 age range in which she is most desirable.
So ask yourself: what need does this young woman or any other similarly aged woman in a similar socio-economic state (and there are hundreds of millions of these across the western world) have for any individual provider as a mate?
The answer is not much. This reality should inform any discussion in a game vs. money debate: one must understand the kind of woman you’re dealing with. If you’re dealing with a woman like this, you have to understand that for her, money (and the providing capacity it enables) may hold less appeal than it otherwise would.
Eva Dedier was just a typical American teen. She was already well-provisioned and didn’t have to worry about finances. She didn’t want or need a provider – she just wanted a guy who could turn her on and have fun with her.
It was this reality that led her to casually and repeatedly blowing Max Wade off, even as he repeatedly offered to make her things (ex: fake IDs) and give her rides in fast cars. He was trying to be the provider she didn’t need or want. Landon Wahlstrom was Eva Dedier’s choice— he had essentially already won the prize Max Wade wanted so desperately for so long, and he did it without showering her with offers for fake IDs, drugs or rides in a Lamborghini. Wahlstrom didn’t need the appearance of extreme riches to get the girl — he just needed a little game. With that in place, Eva was perfectly content to be his valentine. The fact that he drove a pickup truck was entirely irrelevant to her, despite the reality that she was being chased by a boy who could have picked her up in a Lamborghini.
This type of mistake is not uncommon among young men like Max Wade. Many young males put themselves in difficult positions trying to impress young women who simply cannot be impressed by said actions. They think money is the answer, so they steal, borrow and scheme in order to appear as though they’ve got more than they have, only to find the girl of their dreams unimpressed at the end of the day. Others slave endlessly in order to earn a high salary with the expectation that the big paycheck = the love of a beauty queen, only to realize that the girls they chase have more on their minds than cash.
Money is not a substitute for game and the genuine self-improvement it requires. Money cannot make up for a total inability to build attraction. The love of a young woman (especially one who enjoys an extremely high standard of living in the modern United States and simply does not need a provider) requires much more than that.
Had Max Wade been exposed to the red pill at an earlier age, he would have understood that he didn’t need to risk his future boosting Italian super cars just to impress girls. He’d have known that girls could be impressed even without the aid of an exotic automobile. He would have known that money and exotic cars are not substitutes for true confidence and the ability to build genuine attraction.
He might not have even bothered stealing that Lamborghini at all. He might have spent more time working on himself (his style, physical condition, confidence, presentation, conversational ability) in order to improve his chances of romantic success, instead of leaning on a car as a crutch. He might have actually made some genuine self-improvements in the process. And even if he had still lost Dedier to Landon Wahlstrom on Valentine’s Day, he may have been ready: the red pill would have taught him that Dedier was not the only girl in the world and that he would be able to find the romantic and sexual satisfaction with other women someday. He may have understood the foolishness of brandishing a firearm against the teen couple — there would be other girls, and there was no reason for him to ruin his own life (and potentially end both of theirs) just because she didn’t want him.
But Max Wade didn’t have that taste of the red pill. He didn’t have an understanding of game. And now, as a result, he has to spend the next several years in prison.
The greater the number of young male red pill takers in the future, the smaller the number of Max Wades we’ll see. We’ll be better for it.
Read Next: A Mainstream Journalist Takes The Red Pill
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