Today, men live in societies where abundance (or lack) of sex depends a lot on the factors of game, available talent pool, etc. and so on. But one reality associated with sex is that it could hold unexpected negative consequences – particularly more without prior knowledge of game, and the true nature of women – as history has numerous examples of men who’ve been unfairly victimized because of that.
When it comes highlighting this scenario (more importantly, false rape accusations) and further illustrate how women have changed little throughout history, one striking parallel is that of the biblical story of Potiphar’s wife and her destructive obsession with Joseph.
The story of Potiphar’s wife
Joseph is an important biblical Hebrew prophet and patriarch—connected to the stories of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and that of the subsequent liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. His early life tells about a plot by his jealous brothers – who sold him to merchants from a camel caravan traveling to Egypt.
Ultimately, he was sold to Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh’s guard; where he later became Potiphar’s personal servant, and subsequently his household’s superintendent. Joseph’s intelligence, work ethics and handsome looks eventually attracted the attention of Potiphar’s rich and bored wife (who was used to getting her own way), but later she was furious at him for resisting her attempts to seduce him, and then falsely accused him of attempted rape.
She called out to her servants. Soon all the men came running. “Look!” she said. “My husband has brought this Hebrew slave here to make fools of us! He came into my room to rape me, but I screamed. When he heard me scream, he ran outside and got away, but he left his cloak behind with me.” – Genesis 39:14-15, NLT
Upon hearing this, Potiphar then cast Joseph into prison – from where he later came (luckily) to the Pharaoh’s notice for his ability to interpret the dreams of other prisoners, which saved Egypt during a subsequent famine.
But this story touches upon important parallels and some red pill truths:
- Female (sexual) misery loves company: unrequited female lust and female inability to handle sexual rejection can lead to destructive caprice to destroy a man’s reputation
- The use of pseudo-feminine weakness, pseudo-victim complex and existing social clout by women to lend credibility to a false rape accusation
- The potential risks of working under women (or working for men puppeteered by their women) – unless you have prior game knowledge
- The potential risks of refusing sex, especially to a socially powerful, predatory woman
- The mind of a rich and bored housewife can be a devil’s workshop
And whether Potiphar’s wife may have had psychological or personality problems, they do not excuse or exonerate her from ruining an innocent man’s reputation, and possibly being the instrument of his death, if that could have been the sentence.
But in today’s feminist societies, her behavior is increasingly paralleled by modern women when it comes to male sexual harassment, and unrequited female lust “love” turning to “revenge” through false rape accusations.
When unrequited female sexual overtures could trigger a false rape accusation
In gyno-centric societies, women can increasingly be predatory and men can be easily victimized. In 2009 there were almost 12,700 sexual harassment complaints filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Sixteen percent came from men. Even though the total amount of sexual harassment is consistently on the decline, the number of complaints from men have increased over the years.
And though male sexual harassment is no joke, this alarming trend is now seen globally. Even law-enforcement or celebrity circles are not immune to this: power can (sexually) corrupt; and women are no exception.
But even if women are indeed the gatekeepers of sex, does it mean that a man should willingly accept whatever sex he might be pro-offered (even if it may be from females he isn’t attracted to)—overriding his personal tastes, standards and dignity? At least that’s what feminist societies would want: suffocate “regulate” men’s sexual options, by giving total control to women.
Fat acceptance and slut exoneration are just other examples of this dysfunctional modern social engineering construct to sexually enslave men to undesirable women.
So whether she might be an aging slut, or just beginning to begin her ride on the cock carousel, the men she desires or tries to seduce must yield to her: men shouldn’t judge her, have no say in their personal sexual choices, and willingly function as dildos on demand as per her wishes.
Meanwhile in this modern societal minefield – ironically or comically – rape sex tapes are now made by “victims” which are itself viewed as “disturbing art” (thus mocking rape itself). It could then be also said that making a false rape accusation itself has increasingly become a modern “art”, perfected by socially empowered women today.
Thus, game becomes indispensable for men’s personal safety to identify the types and traits of (predatory) women, and the sexual situations which could potentially lead to false rape accusations. Game denialism, puritanical virtue, and blue pill beta ignorance “innocence” are no excuses to disregard the red pill and game, for these excuses won’t save men from misery in such potentially tricky situations.
…more so in today’s times.
As in Joseph’s story, countless men have lost their reputations (or sometimes had their lives destroyed) over false rape accusations throughout history. And in today’s modern societies, this threat is greater than ever before.
Thus, failure to acquire game knowledge would only increase the chances of modern men becoming sitting ducks for the wiles of modern predatory females—not only in relationships, but also in sexual situations which require strategic foresight and tactical finesse.
Game protects men in these increasingly common circumstances. Thus, there is no valid excuse not to acquire it.
Read Next: How To Avoid A False Rape Accusation
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