Since feminists have the nerve to set up courses to propagandize men to be less masculine, it’s time we start deprogramming male feminists. Send this to any friends or relatives who drank the Kool-Aid. They certainly should read it—unless they’re afraid their beliefs are wrong and can’t withstand challenge.
Male feminists seem ridiculous, but it’s a serious matter. Enabling feminist dysfunction makes things worse for all guys, including themselves. It’s bad for women too.
What made you a male feminist?
Most of you simply care about women and want what’s best for them. However, there’s no reason you must believe a weaponized ideology for that! We care too, but traditionalism has better answers. Note well, what’s good for women is not identical with modern feminism.
Perhaps you have a guilt trip. For example, if you took a women’s studies class, you got a very one-sided spiel. The professor said the last six thousand years were all about oppression of women—and it’s your fault (as if you could change the past). You weren’t told about all the men who sweated in the fields, factories, and mines year after year. They were doing this for their families, by the way. Sex roles work both ways, get it? It was the men who got drafted to fight for their nations; millions came back badly injured, or in coffins.
Others mistakenly believe that espousing feminism will make women like them. It doesn’t work that way. First of all, most women actually don’t support feminism, and it continues to lose credibility. Also, subduing your “toxic masculinity” and reciting talking points like a Chatty Cathy doll won’t get you a single girlfriend—trust us on this. If that’s you, how’s that worked so far? What women really want is someone who looks and acts like a man. So forget about virtue-signaling your way into someone’s panties.
What does modern feminism want?
Everyone has heard feminism is only about equality, still a common belief. When it began, that’s basically what it was. They finalized their major objective of universal women’s suffrage in 1920, and the job was finished with the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Since they got equality under the law, why is there still feminism? It’s simple: they moved the goalposts. Then it became hostility and radical demands to rearrange society, and even create a unisex world.
By the 1960s, feminism had changed drastically. Radicals, neurotics, lesbians, and others with a grudge against society came to the forefront—while claiming to speak for all women. Their rhetoric became extremely shrill and divisive. In a healthy society, the sexes have good regard for each other. So feminists sought to achieve their political goals by driving a wedge between women and men, a very foul deed. Radical feminism poisoned the social environment, and that’s good for neither women nor men.
Perhaps you’re thinking—“But that’s not real feminism!” Indeed, it has dozens of offshoots—now a sometimes self-contradictory hodgepodge—so we’ll have to consider the general consensus. The most radical are still the loudest, and the moderates can’t (or won’t) rein them in or even disavow them.
By the way, they certainly expect their male feminist allies to shut up and follow the Party Line. If you dissent about something—perhaps you say that paternity fraud is unjust, for example—there’s a good chance they’ll denounce you over just one item. All your past support will mean nothing.
Modern feminism seeks to turn women into a radicalized social class, united against men by unending grievances and victimhood rhetoric. They want government power to grant them advantages, typically involving income redistribution and reducing the consequences of bad life choices. Is that a formula for a healthy society?
What about male privilege?

At least these men have their male privilege.
Quite effectively, feminists have delegitimized “male privilege” (as they see it), although life certainly isn’t as easy for us as they think. However, they’re certainly not relinquishing advantages that society still gives them. Feminism only demands equality when it serves their interests. They want to have their cake and eat it.
Divorce law is still grounded in 19th century notions, providing the ex-wife an allowance long after the relationship ended, among other problems. Women still don’t get drafted in most countries. They’ve also acquired new advantages, such as hiring quotas and set-asides. Criminal law gives them preferential treatment. Then there are multitudes of women-only scholarships, social agencies, associations, and government programs. Feel privileged yet? Tell your feminist friends that this has to be changed because it’s structural inequality, and see how far that gets you.
How about the “wage gap”? What they don’t tell you is that comparatively few women choose high-paying STEM careers, because they’re not interested in nerdy stuff. They also don’t like dirty, exhausting, and dangerous jobs either. Further, men work more overtime. Why does being extra productive make us the bad guys? The truth is that the “wage gap” results from individual career choices, but feminists dishonestly blame “The Patriarchy”.
What about rape culture?

She lied because she got dumped, and then wanted attention.
It’s a dirty lie to say that we live in a “rape culture”. Since it’s a felony punishable by a prison sentence, that means it’s not culturally approved. Feminists trying to make men look like savages—including you—are fundamentally dishonest. The truth is that this (along with other violent crimes) has declined greatly from the early 1990s. The job isn’t finished yet, but demagoguery for shock value won’t help.
Early on, they may have merely intended to draw attention to the crime. However, things got worse when they started using phony statistics to bolster their argument. Further, they altered the definition of rape far beyond what it actually means. Lately, they include several other things under the category of “rape culture” (like flirting or “the male gaze“), conflating things that are impolite—at most—with dreadful crimes.
The resulting witch hunt climate led to a wave of false accusations. Some very highly publicized cases have turned out to be complete fabrications. With all the redefining and inflammatory rhetoric, consensual encounters which are later regretted (“buyer’s remorse”) can get you falsely accused. Campus tribunals resembling Star Chamber proceedings have the power to expel students without due process. When a crime actually takes place, the police should handle it.
This is bad for genuine victims who may face more doubts and scrutiny after this witch hunt. It’s also bad for all the people whose lives have been ruined unjustly. That could be you some day. Being a male feminist will not save you.
How feminism affects society
For half a century, radical feminists have been pushing their toxic ideology on the public, aided by useful idiots in the media. Even women who don’t identify with feminism have soaked up some of this. They’ve been told that it’s okay to get a divorce without good reason, single motherhood is super, abortion is wonderful, and so forth. It’s irresponsible to change the things that made society work. Much of the civilizational decline over the last fifty years is attributable to the feminist agenda’s unquestioned acceptance.
By themselves, the feminists couldn’t have gone nearly as far as they did without help from men. Most of their allies misunderstood the nature of feminism, considering it simply a matter of equality and justice. It’s time to stop supporting these dishonest radicals who have taken advantage of your benevolent instincts and will show you no gratitude in return, no matter how useful or self-abasing you are.
Being a male feminist is like being a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. After all they’ve lied to you, do you still want to be their useful idiot?
Read More: The 12 Step Social Justice Warrior Recovery Program
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